Cuidado dental preventivo en North Charleston, SC
Ultimately, we want to help your child avoid dental problems like tooth decay, gum disease, bad oral habits, and dental injuries. Teaching parents, caregivers, and our patients how to practice good prevention at home is part of our job – that is also why it is our mission to create healthy habits that last a lifetime!
According to the National Children’s Oral Health Survey, approximately 8.6 million kids aged six to twelve have missed school because of oral health issues! The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services also states that over 51 million hours of school are skipped every year due to tooth troubles. Routine dental visits might just save you a few unexpected “skip days” for your kiddo!
Odontología preventiva para bebés y niños pequeños
Trae a tu bebé a su primera cita dental antes de su primer cumpleaños. En esta cita, children’s dentist will inspect the baby’s mouth for proper dental development and good oral health. Please ask our dentist any questions you have about taking great care of your baby’s mouth at home and between visits.
Before a tooth emerges, wipe your baby’s mouth with a soft, moist terry cloth wash rag after feedings. Also, keep an eye out for thrush, an oral yeast infection common in infants. Thrush appears as white or red splotches on soft oral tissues, like the tongue and interior of the cheeks. The infection usually goes away on its own within a few days of appearing. In some cases, the infection persists and causes discomfort, particularly during feeding.
CONSEJO: Nunca acuestes a tu bebé con un biberón, a menos que contenga solo agua. Los bebés y niños pequeños que se duermen con un biberón de leche o jugo pueden desarrollar una condición dolorosa llamada caries del biberón. caries del biberón.
Once your child’s first tooth fully erupts, begin brushing it with a baby toothbrush and non-fluoridated toothpaste twice a day. When two teeth develop next to one another, you can add daily flossing. A pre-threaded flosser makes the job easier!
A los tres años, muchos niños tienen ya los 20 dientes de leche. Una vez que tu pequeño escupa la pasta de dientes, en lugar de tragarla, puedes comenzar a usar pasta de dientes con flúor. Continúa cepillando dos veces y usando hilo dental una vez al día.
Prevención para niños
Children should visit us twice a year for a checkup. Around age four or five, when children can sit still and endure a dental cleaning, we’ll begin scheduling twice-a-year cleanings along with checkups. Our dentists and hygienists will answer all your questions about prevention and home care, and if any abnormalities are found during your child’s checkup, we’ll suggest treatment options.
At home, your children should brush for two full minutes in the morning and evening. Additionally, flossing before bedtime brushing helps reduce the potential for cavities and gum disease. Be sure to purchase an age-appropriate toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste in your child’s favorite flavor. Children’s mouthwash is optional but will further reduce bad bacteria in the mouth.
También ofrecemos estos servicios y productos preventivos para la prevención de enfermedades y lesiones dentales:
- Flúor Suplementos de flúor
- Selladores dentales
- Protectores bucales deportivos Protectores bucales para deportes
Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy for Life
La prevención de caries, enfermedades de las encías y otros problemas de salud oral depende tanto del cuidado dental profesional como de hábitos efectivos y consistentes de higiene oral en casa. Nuestros dentistas e higienistas colaboran con los cuidadores, compartiendo consejos y herramientas para hacer que la higiene dental diaria sea fácil y divertida. contacto con nosotros our office in North Charleston today to schedule your child’s preventive care appointment!